
How does your body warn you if your hydration is low?

Hey, do you know how important it is to stay hydrated? I’m not talking about slathering your skin with moisturizers, but drinking enough water every day. How much water do you drink daily? You might be surprised to learn that dehydration can cause many health problems that could be easily avoided by drinking more water. In this blog post, I’ll tell you how to tell if you’re dehydrated, what are the consequences of dehydration, and how much water you should drink per day.

How to tell if you’re dehydrated?

One of the most obvious signs of dehydration is feeling thirsty. But thirst is not always a reliable indicator, because sometimes we confuse it with hunger or cravings. Here are some other symptoms of dehydration that you should pay attention to:

Dry mouth.


Dark yellow and less frequent pee.

More frequent mood swings and irritability.

Dry, flaky skin.




Bad breath.

Craving for sweets.

Muscle cramps.

If you have any of these symptoms, you might be dehydrated. But how can you be sure? Here are some simple ways to check for dehydration:

Pinch the skin on the back of your hand. If it snaps back quickly, you’re well hydrated. If it stays pinched for a while, you’re dehydrated.

How much water should you drink per day?

The amount of water you need depends on many factors, such as your body weight, activity level, climate, and health conditions. A general rule of thumb is to drink 0.25 liters of water per 9 kilograms of body weight. To make it easier, you can drink 3 deciliters of water per 10 kilograms of body weight per day.

Why is water so important for our body?

Water makes up 60-80% of our body. It’s essential for many functions, such as:

Regulating body temperature.

Transporting nutrients and oxygen to cells.

Removing waste and toxins from the body.

Lubricating joints and organs.

Protecting tissues and organs from damage.

Maintaining blood volume and pressure.

Supporting digestion and metabolism.

Keeping skin healthy and elastic.

What happens when we don’t drink enough water?

When we don’t drink enough water, our body tries to compensate by taking water from other sources:

From blood (up to 8%).

This can cause blood vessels to narrow, blood clots to form, blood pressure to rise, and the risk of heart attack and stroke to increase.

From intercellular fluid (up to 26%).

This can cause increased acidity, gout, kidney stones, brittle bones, and lower immunity.

From cells (up to 66%).

This can cause higher cholesterol levels, slower metabolism, and faster ageing.

As you can see, dehydration can have serious consequences for your health and well-being. That’s why it’s important to drink enough water every day. Water is not only essential for life, but also for beauty. Drinking water can help you lose weight, improve your skin, boost your energy, and enhance your mood. So what are you waiting for? Grab a glass of water and drink up!

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